Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Postcards from Summer: Hawai'i, part I

I have a confession:  Two weeks ago, I played hookey from school (okay, fine, I did tell my professors) and took one last summer hurrah! on an escape to the Big Island of Hawai'i.  I had never been before, and it. was. awesome.  There's by far too much to fit into one post, so instead, here's Part I (already, in and of itself, too big and long).  Click on the top photo to launch a gallery, full-screen view!

[mauna ulu]

The Big Island of Hawai'i was definitely not what I had expected.  From stereotypes and the movies, I thought Hawai'i was going to be nothing but white sand beach after beach after beach.  Before we left, I complained to my travel companion, "But I'm going to be so bored sitting on the beach all day doing nothing!"  (Yes, I know I'm ridiculous, complaining about going on vacation.)  But, suffice it to say, I was very pleasantly surprised.

Our first stop was Volcano (for some reason, I couldn't get this movie out of my head while I was there).  Rocks, steam vents, volcanic fog (aka: 'vog'), pāhoehoe and 'a'ā lava flows, barren black earth.  It was a reminder of how terrifying but amazing the natural world is.  And it was a geology-enthusiast's dream. Yay for the Roadside Geology of Hawai'i!-- and Yes, I'm a geek who vacations with a geology book. So what?

Then, there were the rainforests.  Mosquito-filled, yes.  But beautiful and lush nonetheless.  I don't think I have ever seen so much green growing upon green growing upon green in my life.... and then suddenly, the green would open up to reveal dramatic waterfalls, with little magic rainbows reflected off of them in the mornings.  One of the places we stayed, too, was tucked away right smack dab in the middle of the rainforest, perched on the hillside of the Volcano.  You must stay here.  It is unspeakably amazing.  Oh, and then there were these wonderful and wise-looking  banyan trees whose majesty just couldn't fit in the 24mm frame of my camera.  And the drives to the ocean through the forests!  *sigh!*

[akaka falls]

[to Kapoho Bay]

Stay tuned next time for the Ocean and what we ate (because this is a foodie journal, of course!).

more Postcards from Summer:


  1. Lush greenery....Amazing

  2. Absolutely, completely, utterly, unbelievably beautiful. I have never, ever had a desire to visit Hawaii until this moment. Thank you for sharing.

  3. those images are soooo amazing!
    Give Me Truth, Love and Freedom

  4. DMITRIEVA PhotographerSeptember 21, 2011 at 12:05 AM

    Wonderful pictures! I revised them a third time!

  5. Hawaii just moved farther up on my mental list of "must visit" exotic locations. That shot of the waterfall made my stomach drop—I guess my fear of heights translates to the online realm, too!

  6. These photos are stunning...I want to go to Hawaii now! Looking forward to the foodie post... :-)

  7. Your photos are breathtaking!

  8. um, heaven in my eyes. green, lush, prefect weather, beach ahhh. I am pretty sure my man and I would be uber happy there :) Beautiful shots, cant wait to see more. 

  9. Absolutely breathtaking. One day, I will go to Hawaii. 
    One day. 

  10. wow loove the misty b/w shot and the road closed shot. stunning!

  11. Woow! How I wish I could go there! But with your wonderful pics, it's a bit like a was already travelling to Hawaï... can't wait for part 2!

  12. absolutely breathtaking. i'm so happy you captured this first. alll the greens and mountainous landscapes. it's so american yet not everything that most people imagine when thinking "hawaii", you know? anyway, i obviously cannot wait to see the food.

    ps, http://amandamantes.blogspot.com !

  13. Gorgeous photos!  Makes me want to go island-hopping again ;-)

  14. I have never been, but must go to Hawaii....


  15. Oh my, how utterly gorgeous. I love the wiggly swirly branches of the tree and the brillant green colors!  Beautiful photos!

  16. You always seem to find the most beautiful places to stay...how do you do it?! 

  17. Isn't the Big Island amazing? My parents live in Hilo and I'm getting married there in January. I can't wait to share it with all of my friends!

  18. Beautiful, beautiful images.  I've heard the big island is amazing.  I've only been to Ohau and Kaua'i... maybe I will have to visit again! 

  19. I've been to the volcano so many times, but I've never seen it like this before.  Your photography is so beautiful!!  I haven't been there in years, but picking ohelo berries at the volcano is one of my fondest childhood memories.

  20. Wow!!! Breathtaking beauty! Especially love the photo of the akaka falls! Was it really as bright and lush and green? Thank you for sharing!!

    I love your recipe photos pages, if you published them in a cookbook I'd definitely buy it! I'm going to attempt one of your recipes soon. 

    - Kate 


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