I wasn't going to post these until next week since they aren't very "traditional" Valentine's Day fare, but they turned out so damn good that they just couldn't wait! Hello, lover.
Pina colada cupcake:
Coconut cake
with fresh pineapple Italian meringue buttercream
Yes, the pina colada cupcake. But, before you all get another look at these yummy-licious beauties, I must first inflict some pain on you, because every time I hear or say the words "pina colada," this immediately gets stuck in my head:
Yes, okay, I apologize for that. But, misery loves company. Now that we have a soundtrack (of most arguably one of the worst love songs ever), back to more pleasant things.
This idea of pina colada cupcakes has been floating around in my head for a while prior to execution. The original spark of inspiration, to give credit where credit's due, comes from my friend Toni, who I regard as one of my biggest dessert fans and who happens to be
an amazing photographer. For Christmas, Toni got me Rose Levy Beranbaum's
Rose's Heavenly Cakes, promptly opening the book to page 23, pointing, and saying, "I want to make that into a pina colada cake."
A few weeks later (okay, the Christmas gift happened in mid-January), the pina colada cupcake was born (or baked, I guess, would be the more proper word choice)! With a base of coconut cake, taken from page 23 of Rose Levy Beranbaum's book, and a liberal topping of Italian meringue buttercream flavored with freshly made pineapple puree, this cupcake is absolutely heavenly. And I am not kidding. It literally hurt me in the gut to give these cupcakes away to both the people who had ordered them, and, I have to confess, to Toni. I just wanted to keep them all for myself.

The coconut cake recipe is really good and super coconut-y. But what really makes these cupcakes for me, personally, is the fresh pineapple puree in the pineapple buttercream. You absolutely don't want to cut corners here and use canned pineapple. It's just not going to be the same. And fresh pineapple puree is easy to make. All it involves is cooking the pineapple down with sugar and water, draining away the liquid, and whizzing it through the food processor. The resulting puree is so good and light-as-air that I ate most of it fresh out of the food processor. It's
better than any applesauce you will ever touch. Don't throw away the pineapple syrup, either! It makes a great base for homemade pineapple soda (just add fizzy water) or cocktails.
The punch of pineapple and coconut flavors in this cupcake linger in your mouth for a long while even after you've finished the cake, making you really, really crave more. I can seriously scarf down about ten of those mini ones in one sitting if I'm not careful. Trust me: make these for your Valentine. Despite not being made of the traditional chocolate, they are sure to impress.
Oh, but a fair word of warning: you'll most definitely want to make an even number of these cupcakes. If you and your Valentine have to fight over one, it's
not going to be pretty.
(P.S. On an unrelated topic, a reader kindly brought to my attention yesterday that there was no obvious way to subscribe to this blog's feed located on the homepage--a gross oversight on my part! (Thanks, June, for bringing this to my attention!) I have since remedied this situation, and you'll find links at the top of the side bar -----> that can allow you to subscribe easily via your feed reader of choice (e.g., Google Reader) or via email (Thanks to my Adopt-a-Blogger mentor,
Kristen, for pointing me in the right direction for this). So go subscribe!
In other blog-related news, I've started a recipe index page, also located for now on the *new* left sidebar <----, where you can find a list of recipes by category. It's still a work in progress, but hopefully, you'll find it helpful!)
Read on for recipe...