Friday, December 2, 2011


Yes, it's been a little crazy and hectic here in Real Life land, between Thanksgiving travels and work deadlines and new projects piling up--I'm sure you all know the feeling! But, have no fear, the recently neglected blog should be back up and running soon. Until then, I wish you all a very happy and warm first weekend of December!

Weekend plans for the holiday month? Share below! I, for one, am headed to a cookie swap. Yay, butter and sugar!


  1. Off to a charity function for over 127 kids tomorrow, to promote reading. Be sure to buy books as gifts for all the little ones on your Christmas list. Take care and have fun at your cookie swap.

    Lisa x

  2. Oh hooray for a cookie swap! Pomegranates are the ingredient for next week at la Domestique and I'll be working on a pomegranate and cranberry marmalade this weekend. Such a festive fruit! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. happy friday! i love that shot of the pomegranate... beautiful! i'm going to try & squeeze some baking in between the sudden move that we're making. have an awesome weekend!

  4. Cookie party foods for the freezer to be 'prepared' for the relatives. Love the colours in your picture.

  5. Ooo, I love pomegranates, and that is a lovely photo. :) This evening I'm going Christmas caroling on a trolley through SF. Thankfully the weather's warm so we won't be freezing! Enjoy the cookie swap!

  6. oh, nice capture of the steam there.  now i know where the magic happens!


I love hearing from you and reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by the blog. Happy feasting!